Luka Brase at TV Ruzinov - Bratislava - 12 January 2022

SK version - About the exhibition in Tehran, traveling in Iran and much more - 1 hour interview

Luka Brase at TA3 - 22 December 2021

SK version - Slovak artist exhibits his paintings in Tehran: When people work with their hearts, great results are achieved

Luka Brase at TA3 - 23 November 2021

SK version - Artist Brase in Teheran

Luka Brase at TV DK - 15th October 2021

SK Version - On the 100th anniversary of Hviezdoslav's death, he painted a picture.

Luka Brase at TA3 - Studio Kultura - 26th August 2020

SK Version - Exhibition in Desiderio N.1 Artlounge in Vienna from 21:07 min.

Luka Brase at RTVS - Side by Side Wien - 4th August 2020

SK Version - Exhibition in Desiderio N.1 Art Lounge in Vienna and about my ongoing projects.

Luka Brase at TA3 - Greeting from Artist - 26th March 2020

SK Version - Working and creating at home in Bratislava due to the current situation.

Luka Brase at TA3 - 20th July 2019

SK Version - Exhibition in the Bohéma Gallery in Bratislava and presentation of the book Art on the Way Vol.2 from 5:13 min.

Luka Brase at TV DK - 4th June 2019

SK Version - Launching of the new book Art on the Way Vol.2 and the visit in the studio in Dolny Kubin, Slovakia.

Luka Brase in China - 19th May 2018

SK version - About my travel and exhibitions in China from 17:50 min.

Luka Brase at TV Markiza “ Reflex “

SK - Version - About my travel and working in trains, exhibitions, studio in Bratislava and much more

Luka at RTVS - Slovak national television “ Slovensko v obrazoch “

SK - Version - Visiting my brand new studio in mountains and exhibition at the Bratislava Airport

Luka Brase in New York - 4th September 2016

SK version - Talking in TV studio about my exhibition called " Luka Brase Meets New York " at BBLA Gallery from 20.27 min.

Young and successful - 20th November 2016

SK Version - Talking series with young and successful Slovaks working in different fields

Luka Brase Old Town Boy - 15th March 2015

SK Version - Exhibition at gallery F7 Old town Bratislava from 4.30 min.

Luka Brase - The Return of The Lost Son - 9th September 2015

Exhibition at unique Ericsson Palace. The Ericsson Palace is located in the very centre of Prague on Malé Náměstí next to the Old Town Square. The building meets all modern requirements while retaining all of its historical features. It is part of the cultural heritage list.

Lukagraphy - Gallery SPP - Bratislava, Slovakia

Produced by : Tomas Brejk, Film by : Vlado Straka

Luka at RTVS - Slovak national television “ Luka Brase opäť vystavuje na Slovensku“

SK Version - Exhibition "Old Town Boy 3" in the Zichy Gallery in Bratislava from 15:14 min.

Luka at RTVS - Slovak national television “ Európu s Amerikou má spájať aj umenie“

SK Version - Exhibition "Slovakia meets America" at the Slovak Embassy in Washington DC, USA from 39:19 min.

Luka Brase at RTVS - Morning news - 14 January 2022

SK version - Artist Luka Brase exhibited in Tehran

Interview in Slovak National Radio (SK Version)

Radio Slovensko – Interview about life, memories and art in Slovakia and Vienna. Nocna Pyramida 2020.



Interview in Eslovaquia hoy (Spanish Version)

Radio Slovakia International – Talking about life, art and travel in the magazine Eslovaquia hoy, Magazín sobre Eslovaquia. Translated to Spanish.



Bratislava Airport Exhibition Interview (SK Version)

Radio Devin – Special exhibition at the VIP lounge at Bratislava Airport showed my visual diaries from travels through Europe. I draw these pieces in Berlin, London, Paris, Vienna, etc. Big art glassworks with David Bowie and Drawing clown was display too.



Interview in Slovak National Radio (SK Version)

Radio Slovensko – Interview about life and art in Slovensko Dnes in 2015.



Kazakhstan Journey Interview (SK Version)

Radio Devin – My talks about our travel to Kazakhstan, a country full of culture, smiling people and pure happiness. We visited also EXPO 2017 exhibition in Astana. After this trip, I created a series of drawings inspired by this wonderful country in central Asia.



Shanghai & Beijing Exhibitions Interview (SK Version)

Radio Devin – My second trip to China was full of inspiration and travel between Shanghai and Beijing by one of the fastest trains in the world. I also visited the Great Wall of China and made my big exhibitions in these cities. We talked about my Chinese influences and experience.



Old Town Boy Interview – Galéria F7, Bratislava (SK Version)

The first exhibition made in the old town of Bratislava. Over the years I always came back to the old town from my international exhibitions.

HN24 online – SK version – September 2023

ZSSK a Luka Brase – Pojazdna vystava vo vlaku: TU


Kurier Kolejowy – PL version – September 2023

ZSSK a Luka Brase: Oslava 175 vyrocia zeleznic na Slovensku v spojeni s vytvarnym umenim: TU


TOUCHIT – SK version – September 2023

ZSSK a rozsirena realita s umenim – Illustory: TU – SK version – June 2021

Luka Brase: Otvorila sa mi nová dimenzia. Link na článok: TU – SK version – December 2020

Luka Brase: Na začiatku prespával na ulici. Luka neskôr svoje diela vystavoval v galérií, kde chodila aj kráľovná. Link na článok: TU – SK version – June 2020

Luka Brase: „K svojim cieľom a métam napredujem dlhé roky. Výstavy po svete a neustále zdokonaľovanie, učenie sa výtvarným jazykom.“ Link na článok: TU


Playboy – SK version – February 2020

My interview in the February issue of the Slovak Playboy. – SK version – September 2019

Luka Brase: „Každá vyspelá krajina podporuje kultúru, pretože v nej vidíme procesy napredovania a rozvinutej spoločnosti.“ Link na článok: TU


Morgunbladid – IS version – November 2018

Article in the Iceland newspaper Morgunbladid about my exhibition in World Class Laugum – Reykjavík:



Portal na Orave Dobre – SK version – May 2018

Luka Brase: „Keď žiješ svoj sen, nemôžeš byť unavený.“ Link na článok: TU


Milliardsun Magazine – SK Version – March 2018

My Cover drawing + big interview about my works, exhibitions, travels and much more:



Newspaper Pravda – June 2016 – SK version

Link na článok: TU


SPP GALLERY ( SK Version )  November 2014 – January – 2015

Our exhibition in one of the biggest and modern galleries in Bratislava called  ” Luka Brase meets Draw in Lights ”

SPP galeria

Štýl&Elán magazín – Interview 2014

with permission of SLOVNAFT, a.s.

NHOW GALLERY ( DE Version ) August 2014

Was wäre denn die tollste Party ohne stylische Flyer und abgefahrene Lichtinstallationen? Beides verbindet Luka Brase in einem einzigartiken Projekt. Er vereint Elektronik und Lasertechnik. Luka stammt aus der Slovakei und gehört zu den aufstrebensten Künstlern des Landes. Zusammen mit Martin Gabco (Lichtingenieur), Bohus (Soundingenieur) und Peter (Cinematograph) hat er ein einzigartiges Werk geschaffen.